Prompting and Prompt Engineering

Saurabh Harak
10 min readOct 7, 2024


In today’s digital era, the rise of artificial intelligence has ushered in transformative technologies that are reshaping industries and redefining how we interact with machines. Among these innovations, large language models (LLMs) like Open Ai's GPT-4, Falcon, Llama, Cohere, Claude have emerged as powerful tools capable of understanding and generating human-like text. These models are being utilized across various domains — from drafting emails and composing essays to assisting in complex research and providing customer support.

However, the effectiveness of these models largely depends on how we communicate with them. Just as a conversation with a colleague requires clarity and context to be productive, interacting with LLMs demands carefully crafted prompts. This is where the concepts of prompting and prompt engineering come into play. By mastering these techniques, users can guide language models to produce accurate, relevant, and valuable outputs tailored to specific needs.

In this guide, we will Deep dive into the fundamentals of prompting and prompt engineering. We will explore the basics of formulating effective prompts, discuss advanced techniques like Chain-of-Thought and Tree-of-Thought, and address potential risks such as bias and prompt hacking. Whether you’re a developer, researcher, or enthusiast, understanding these concepts will empower you to harness the full potential of language models in your applications.


Understanding Prompting

At its core, prompting is the practice of providing specific instructions or queries to a language model to elicit desired responses. Think of it as asking a question or giving a command to the model, guiding it to generate output that aligns with your objectives. The prompt serves as the context and sets the stage for the model’s response.

For example, if you want the model to generate a creative story about space exploration, your prompt might be:

“Write a short story about an astronaut discovering a new planet inhabited by friendly aliens.”

This prompt clearly defines the task and provides context, increasing the likelihood that the model will produce a relevant and engaging story.

The Importance of Effective Prompting

The effectiveness of a language model is heavily influenced by the quality of the prompts it receives. An effective prompt can guide the model to produce coherent, accurate, and contextually appropriate responses. Conversely, vague or poorly constructed prompts may result in irrelevant or nonsensical outputs.

Key reasons why effective prompting is essential include:

  • Contextual Understanding: Well-crafted prompts help the model understand the context and produce responses that are relevant to the user’s intent.
  • Guiding Output Style and Format: Prompts can specify the desired style, tone, or format of the output, ensuring it meets specific requirements.
  • Mitigating Misinterpretations: Clear prompts reduce the risk of the model misinterpreting the request, leading to more accurate results.
  • Enhancing Creativity and Depth: Detailed prompts can encourage the model to generate more creative and in-depth responses.

Prompt Engineering

What is Prompt Engineering?

Prompt engineering is the process of designing and refining prompts to optimize the performance of language models. It involves understanding how different phrasing, context, and structure can influence the model’s output. By experimenting with various prompt configurations, users can discover the most effective ways to elicit the desired responses.

Prompt engineering is not just about crafting a single prompt; it’s a dynamic process that may include:

  • Adjusting the wording to be more specific or general.
  • Providing examples within the prompt to guide the model.
  • Incorporating constraints or instructions to shape the output.
  • Iteratively refining prompts based on the model’s responses.

The Growing Field of Prompt Engineering

As language models become more advanced, prompt engineering is gaining prominence as a critical skill. Its applications extend across various fields:

  • Research: Enhancing the performance of LLMs in tasks like question answering, summarization, and problem-solving.
  • Industry Applications: Developing AI assistants, chatbots, and tools that require precise and reliable model outputs.
  • Education: Assisting in creating educational content, tutoring systems, and interactive learning experiences.
  • Creative Arts: Generating content for storytelling, music composition, and artistic endeavors.

Prompt engineering empowers users to tap into the vast capabilities of language models, enabling them to produce tailored outputs that align with specific goals.

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Why Prompting?

The Foundation of Language Models

Large language models are trained on extensive datasets comprising text from books, articles, websites, and more. Through unsupervised learning, they learn patterns in language, grammar, facts, reasoning, and even some common-sense knowledge. The training process involves predicting the next word in a sentence based on the preceding context.

The Role of Prompting

Prompting is the bridge between the user’s intent and the model’s vast knowledge base. Here’s why effective prompting is crucial:

  1. Contextual Understanding: Models rely on the context provided to generate relevant responses. Precise prompts help the model focus on the desired topic or task.
  2. Leveraging Training Data Patterns: By aligning prompts with patterns the model has learned during training, users can elicit more accurate and coherent outputs.
  3. Utilizing Transfer Learning: The model’s ability to apply learned knowledge to new tasks is enhanced when prompts effectively guide the transfer of information.
  4. Guiding the Model’s Reasoning: Detailed prompts can encourage the model to engage in step-by-step reasoning, improving the quality of complex responses.
  5. Mitigating Bias and Errors: Thoughtful prompting can help reduce biases and inaccuracies that may be present in the model’s training data.

Prompting Basics

Key Elements of Effective Prompts

Crafting effective prompts involves including specific elements that guide the model toward the desired output. These elements are:

Instruction: A clear statement of what you want the model to do.

Example: “Summarize the following article in one paragraph.”

Context: Additional information that provides background or sets the scene.

Example: “As an expert in environmental science, explain the impact of plastic pollution.”

Input Data: The content or question you want the model to process.

Example: “Text: ‘The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.’ Count the number of words.”

Output Indicator: Guidance on the desired format or style of the response.

Example: “List the steps in bullet points.”

Example of a Structured Prompt


Instruction: Translate the following English sentence into French.
Text: "The weather is beautiful today."

In this prompt:

  • Instruction: Specifies the task of translation.
  • Input Data: Provides the English sentence to be translated.
  • Output Indicator: Indicates that the response should be the translation.

Best Practices for Prompting

According to guidelines provided by Open AI, some best practices include:

  1. Use the Latest Model: Leverage the most capable language models available.
  2. Structure Instructions Clearly: Separate instructions from context using delimiters like ### or """.
  3. Be Specific and Descriptive: Clearly articulate the desired outcome, including context, length, format, and style.
  4. Specify Output Format with Examples: Provide examples or templates to guide the model.
  5. Iterative Approach: Start with simple prompts (zero-shot), then add examples (few-shot), and refine as needed.
  6. Avoid Vague Descriptions: Use precise language and avoid unnecessary fluff.
  7. Provide Positive Guidance: Focus on what the model should do rather than what it should avoid.
  8. Use Leading Words in Code Generation: Guide code outputs by starting with specific terms or phrases.

Iterative Refinement

Crafting the perfect prompt often requires experimentation. Users should be prepared to iterate on their prompts, adjusting based on the model’s responses until the desired output is achieved.

Advanced Prompting Techniques

As language models evolve, so do the techniques for prompting them. Advanced prompting methods aim to enhance the reasoning capabilities of models and improve the accuracy of their responses.

A. Step-by-Step Modular Decomposition

These methods involve breaking down complex problems into smaller, manageable steps, guiding the model through a structured reasoning process.

1. Chain-of-Thought (CoT) Prompting

Chain-of-Thought Prompting encourages the model to generate intermediate reasoning steps before arriving at a final answer. This approach improves performance on tasks requiring multi-step reasoning.

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Question: If Alice has twice as many apples as Bob, and Bob has 3 apples, 
how many apples does Alice have?

Let's think step by step.

Model’s Response:

Bob has 3 apples.
Alice has twice as many apples as Bob.
So, Alice has 2 * 3 = 6 apples.
Answer: 6

1a. Zero-shot and Few-shot CoT Prompting

  • Zero-shot CoT: Adding “Let’s think step by step” to prompt the model to reason through the problem without examples.
  • Few-shot CoT: Providing a few examples of solved problems to guide the model.
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1b. Automatic Chain-of-Thought (Auto-CoT)

Auto-CoT automates the generation of reasoning chains:

  1. Question Clustering: Group similar questions.
  2. Demonstration Sampling: Use the model to generate reasoning steps for representative questions.
Image Source: Zhang et al. (2022)

This method reduces the need for manually crafted examples.

2. Tree-of-Thoughts (ToT) Prompting

Tree-of-Thoughts Prompting extends CoT by allowing the model to explore multiple reasoning paths:

  • Coherent Units (“Thoughts”): Nodes represent individual reasoning steps.
  • Deliberate Decision-Making: The model evaluates different paths.
  • Backtracking and Looking Ahead: The model can revisit previous steps or anticipate future ones.
Image Source: Yao et el. (2023)

This approach enhances the model’s ability to handle complex tasks with multiple possible solutions.

B. Comprehensive Reasoning and Verification

These techniques involve the model generating detailed reasoning steps and verifying its own responses.

1. Automatic Prompt Engineer

This method treats prompts as programmable elements:

  • Instruction Optimization: The model generates and scores multiple instructions.
  • Selection: The highest-scoring instruction is used as the prompt.
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2. Chain of Verification (CoVe)

CoVe introduces a verification process:

  1. Draft Response: The model provides an initial answer.
  2. Verification Questions: The model generates questions to check its own answer.
  3. Self-Evaluation: The model revises its answer based on the verification.

This reduces errors and improves factual accuracy.

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3. Self-Consistency

Self-Consistency involves:

  • Sampling Multiple Reasoning Paths: Generate diverse solutions.
  • Majority Voting: Select the most consistent answer among them.

This enhances the reliability of the model’s responses.

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4. ReAct

ReAct combines reasoning and action:

  • Interleaved Reasoning and Actions: The model alternates between thinking and interacting with tools or environments.
  • External Interaction: The model can access external data sources.
  • Improved Interpretability: The process is transparent and understandable.
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C. Use of External Tools or Knowledge Aggregation

These methods leverage external resources to enhance the model’s capabilities.

1. Active Prompting (Aggregation)

Active Prompting dynamically selects task-specific examples:

  1. Dynamic Querying: Generate multiple responses.
  2. Uncertainty Metric: Measure disagreement among responses.
  3. Selective Annotation: Humans annotate uncertain cases.
  4. Adaptive Learning: Incorporate new examples into training.

2. Automatic Multi-step Reasoning and Tool-use (ART)

ART integrates tool usage:

  • Task-Specific Examples: Automatically select relevant examples.
  • External Tools: Use tools during reasoning (e.g., calculators, databases).
  • Zero-shot Generalization: Adapt to new tasks without manual intervention.

3. Chain-of-Knowledge (CoK)

CoK dynamically integrates external knowledge:

  1. Reasoning Preparation: Generate initial rationales.
  2. Dynamic Knowledge Adapting: Refine rationales using external sources.
  3. Answer Consolidation: Produce a well-founded final answer.

This approach reduces hallucinations and improves factual accuracy.


While prompting offers powerful capabilities, it also introduces risks:

1. Prompt Injection

  • Risk: Malicious prompts can manipulate the model to produce harmful or misleading content.
  • Example: An attacker crafts a prompt that causes the model to reveal sensitive information.

2. Prompt Leaking

  • Risk: Sensitive prompts or data can be inadvertently exposed through the model’s responses.
  • Example: The model includes confidential details in its output.

3. Jailbreaking

  • Risk: Users bypass safety features to generate disallowed content.
  • Example: Manipulating the model to produce inappropriate or harmful responses.

4. Bias and Misinformation

  • Risk: The model may generate biased or incorrect information based on its training data.
  • Example: Reinforcing stereotypes or spreading false narratives.

5. Security Concerns

  • Risk: Prompt hacking can compromise system security.
  • Example: Exploiting vulnerabilities to gain unauthorized access.

Mitigation Strategies

  • Robust Prompt Design: Carefully craft prompts to minimize risks.
  • Content Filtering: Implement mechanisms to detect and prevent disallowed content.
  • Regular Audits: Continuously monitor and evaluate model outputs.
  • User Education: Inform users about potential risks and responsible use.
  • Policy Compliance: Adhere to ethical guidelines and regulations.

Popular Tools

Several tools assist with prompt engineering and model interaction:


  • Description: A low-code framework for rapid app development using prompts.
  • Features: Online prompt editor, GPT text generation, plug-in extensions.
  • Objective: Simplify GPT-based application development.


  • Description: A package for evaluating LLMs.
  • Features: APIs for model assessment, prompt engineering methods, adversarial prompt evaluation.
  • Objective: Facilitate evaluation and benchmarking of language models.

Prompt Engine

  • Description: A utility for creating and maintaining prompts.
  • Background: Simplifies prompt engineering for models like GPT-3.
  • Objective: Codify best practices for prompt design.

Prompts AI

  • Description: An advanced playground for exploring GPT-3 capabilities.
  • Goals: Aid in prompt engineering, optimize for specific use cases.


  • Description: A library for prompt-learning built on PyTorch.
  • Features: Standardized framework, supports models from Hugging Face.
  • Objective: Simplify adapting models to NLP tasks using prompts.


  • Features: Test suite for LLM prompts, handles out-of-bounds predictions.
  • Objective: Facilitate prompt testing and optimization.


Prompting and prompt engineering are essential skills for anyone looking to leverage the power of large language models effectively. By understanding how to craft precise prompts and utilizing advanced techniques, users can guide models to produce accurate, relevant, and valuable outputs.

As language models continue to evolve, staying informed about new methods and best practices will be crucial. Whether you’re a developer integrating LLMs into applications, a researcher pushing the boundaries of AI capabilities, or an enthusiast exploring the potential of these models, mastering prompting will unlock new possibilities and innovations.

Remember, with great power comes great responsibility. Always consider the ethical implications, potential risks, and strive for responsible use when working with language models.



Saurabh Harak

Hi, I'm a software developer/ML Engineer passionate about solving problems and delivering solutions through code. I love to explore new technologies.